Lu Jing’s stream of consciousness writing style has made her an unpopular column writer for a weekly art magazine. Readers have been criticizing her for not being sharp and sensational enough. The criticism was especially severe last week when she published a story about an artist’s narrow escape from a marriage. Depressed, Lu Jing planned to quit her job as a weekly column writer. But, just at this juncture, her boyfriend, whom she has been dating for only a short while and was younger than her, proposed to her. Up to this point, Lu Jing has been single for a long time. She felt sick and tired of bearing her dark, heavy secret from her young boyfriend, which includes her complicated, unresolved former marriage, as well as the truth behind a pile of life drawings, all with her as the nude model, in the gallery which she stumbled in to work in part-time.
Her young boyfriend’s proposal made her come to a sudden realization that all this confusion and complication in her current life actually came from one source: that damn artist Yan He, her ex-husband, who just couldn’t leave her alone! She decided to pay a visit to his art studio – a place she had sworn to never step foot in – and declared a formal break-up with the this artist, Yan He.
The studio is in a Japanese wooden building on a two-acre land, on an island a hundred nautical miles away from the hustle and bustle of the main city, surrounded by tall tropical plants, trees, and vegetable gardens. Carrying her sketchpad, it took Lu Jing a while to get to this place. However, the person who came out to welcome her was not the artist Yan He himself but his assistant, Jia Ming, whom Lu Jing has never met before. Wearing Yan He’s old work clothes, Jia Ming looked very much like the young version of Yan He. Lu Jing was surprised; she began to doubt whether Yan He has turned into a gay and this man here was his gay partner. Her suspicion was confirmed when Jia Ming boasted to her that not only was he Yan He’s partner, Yan He had been living with him on this island for twenty years. He claimed that he knew Yan He better than anyone else, and that Yan He would never leave even if Lu Jing decided to return to his arms. He also told Lu Jing that that he knew a long time ago that Lu Jing would be coming here because of those nude pictures. In addition, he even claimed to be a loyal reader of Lu Jing’s weekly column!
Lu Jing could not believe what she was hearing. How could she come all the way to this island to be manipulated by this nutcase? But pride stopped her from just packing up and leaves. Lu Jing decided to stay on so that she could hear from Yan He and get an explanation straight from him. She felt that she deserved some forms of compensation at very least. She wanted to be release from the legal binding so that she could have legally-sanctioned freedom from this dead marriage. Otherwise, how would she marry her young boyfriend and build a stable and trouble-free future with him? Jia Ming, however, found Ju Ling’s reasoning childish and ridiculous. Jia Ming said that, first of all, Yan He obviously had missed her and loved her. Why else would Yan He painted and exhibited her nude pictures if he had no feelings for her? He scorned how Lu Jing wanted to leave Yan He and marry another lesser, mediocre man.
Hearing this, Lu Jing got even more confused and furious. She wanted to destroy all paintings and leave immediately. But at this moment, Jia Ming revealed to her the terrible news that Yan He was already dead. The truth was Yan He was no longer on the island. He was gone and would never return to this world. Lu Jing collapsed upon hearing this. As Lu Jing’s mask fell off and she gave up all attempt to disguise her true feelings, she realized that all this while, she has never entirely let go of her feelings for Yan He. She merely buried her feelings deep down inside her.
Jia Ming then described to Lu Jing how he had spent the final moments with Yan He, until he had left the world for another plane. Lu Jing was so jealous. She recalled the strong passion and fury she experienced during her short marriage with Yan He. The Yan He she knew was a completely different man from the Yan He Jia Ming described. The artist and lover Jia Ming described sounded like a gentle, tender and loving man, who did household chores, listened to classical music, drank coffee and watched sunrise and sunset with him. Jia Ming said that a few years before Yan He passed away, whenever Yan He had to leave the island for conferences in the city, Jia Ming would stay at home, prepared meals and waited patiently for his return. Those were sweet times and they were such a loving couple. Lu Jing couldn’t believe any of it. The Yan He she knew was nothing like this at all. The Yan He she knew was a combination of demon and angle, fierce, demanding but talented, able to create unconventional, extraordinary artwork that is beyond laymen’s comprehension. They were together for only a few months, but the amount of sex they had during that short period of time was way more than all that she has had in the next twenty years of her life. And yet, none of that satisfies Yan He. He continued to seek out other expressionless, Barbie doll-looking women and invited them to his studio to work as nude models in order to depict their seemly insatiable feminine desires on canvas. Lu Jing couldn’t tolerate any of this, but she chose to close one eye, and even agreed to his marriage proposal, all out of love and strong passion. She didn’t expect that merely four months after their wedding, Yan He would abruptly break up with her and asked her to leave this island. Why? To be with this guy here, Jia Ming?
Questions and answers kept coming in. None of them explained why, so many years after Yan He’s death, there were still new artwork productions coming out of this studio. And how about the series of nude pictures using her as the model? If they were not pained by Yan He, who painted them? Was it Jia Ming?
But why?!
Lu Jing continued to probe, trying to map out what exactly had happened between Jia Ming and Yan He, and between Yan He and herself. As she dug deeper into these intertwining relationships, she slowly uncovered the layers of feelings that were buried deep within her and Jia Ming’s psyche, including their shared passion, helplessness, longing and desires. They actually shared so many similar feelings towards Yan He. But now, Yan He was gone. How could these two lonely souls move on?
Lu Jing left the island and returned to her own studio in the city. She also returned to her writing for the weekly column. She slowly came to the realization that the secrets that she was trying to uncover were hidden not in the elusive stream of consciousness writing, but in the depth and complexity of human emotions and human nature.
陸靜是《每周勁報-奇 情畫室》專欄作家,她的專欄經營慘淡,她過於意識流的文風每每被讀者批評內容不夠辛辣,上星期的故事寫到了畫家逃離一場婚姻的故事,又被毒舌的讀者批評的 一無是處。意興闌珊的她正打算辭掉專欄的寫作工作時,卻意外的被剛交往不久的小男友求婚了!單身多年的她才不要背負著那些不能說的秘密成天愁雲慘霧------關於她那一段歷時二十年卻尚未解決的婚姻關係!還有,那些莫名其妙的進入她打工維生的畫廊裡一批全是以她的面容為模特的裸體畫!
陸 靜簡直不敢相信,自己竟然跑到這荒島來竟被一個瘋子擺佈,但好強的陸靜說什麼不願意就這樣轉身就走,陸靜堅持要等嚴何出來給個說法,至少要給她合理的賠 償,還她自由之身,否則她要如何去面對她的未婚夫和她安穩無憂的未來?嘉銘卻覺得陸靜的想法很幼稚,嚴何展出以她為主題的裸體畫展正是說明了嚴何對陸靜的 思念和愛,而陸靜卻要離開嚴何,投向另一個庸俗的男子的懷抱?
聽 著嘉銘講述著他如何陪侍在嚴何左右,看他安詳離世,陸靜不禁嫉妒起眼前這個人,又再度回想起她和嚴何那些痛苦卻快樂著的日子,與嘉銘所說的完全不同,那位 「和嘉銘一起生活的嚴何」是一個極其溫柔的人,每天他們一起灑掃庭院,欣賞古典樂,看日出,觀夕陽,喝咖啡,早幾年嚴何到城市裡開會,演講,嘉銘就在家裡 做飯等他回家,這樣神仙眷旅的生活陸靜完全不敢相信,在她這裡,嚴何像是個天使和惡魔的存在,在各方面他都是索求無度之人,他之所以能畫出那許多非傳統意 義上的人物形象,全是因為他對於性有超乎常人的理解,他們在一起的那短短幾個月,做愛的次數都超過陸靜這往後二十年來的性生活,而嚴何還是不滿足,需要找 到那些在雜誌上面無表情的芭比模特,去他的畫室把她們自然流瀉出情慾的表情展現在他的畫布上,陸靜當年雖然受不了這些,卻因為深深愛著嚴何而選擇睜一直眼 閉一隻眼的答應了他的求婚,沒有想到婚後四個月,嚴何提出分手,硬是把陸靜趕出了小島,難道就是為了跟這個-----嘉銘,在一起嗎?
馬來西亞(檳城場)演出:2015 /8/1~2 70分鐘 (中場不休息)
首演地點:KOMTAR Auditorium A, Penang, Malaysia
演出時間 : 1st August 2015 Sat 8pm
2rdAugust 2015 Sun 3pm
王荣陞 016-4043096
邱祺翔 016-4448845